Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Seven Decades

Seven Decades Review

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Seven Decades Feature

The author, Bill Moore, grew up in the small town of Plainville, Connecticut with his Brother Michael and Sister Paula after World War II. This book is a life recap of the events in Bill's life over Seven Decades. Bill's parents Michael and Yvonne were very firm and excellent roll models. Bill credits his parents for the foundation and vision that allowed him to become a successful adult. Bill gives another major credit to the United States Marine Corps. The discipline and structure of the Corps played a large roll in Bill's success in life. Bill publishes his report card on life as he enjoys the sunshine residing in Florida with his wife Leslee. Bill enjoys watching the four children progress in their careers. The eight grandchildren are all doing well academically in school. He describes living in Florida "His Paradise". "Seven Decades" is a pleasant, honest assessment of Bill's life.

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